Ali Heidary's profile

Modern Facade Design-Shine Project

Shine Project​​​​​​​
Alternative 2
Designing a facade is a complex and important process in building design that has a significant impact on attracting attention and enhancing the appeal of a building. This process involves various stages, generally including the following:
1. Research and analysis: In this stage, the architect must conduct thorough research and analysis of the local environment, user needs, legal requirements, and other relevant factors.
2. Ideation: Various ideas for facade design are explored in this stage, aiming to find a suitable and creative solution for the facade design.
3. Concept selection: After ideation, a primary concept for the facade design is chosen that aligns with the project requirements, local conditions, and environmental factors.
4. Design and development: In this stage, initial ideas are developed into more detailed and three-dimensional designs, focusing on technical details and structural aspects of the facade.
5. Implementation and supervision: Following the approval of the final design, the facade construction process begins, with proper supervision being crucial to achieving the ultimate goal of a beautiful and functional facade.
Architectural Animation
Made With Lumion
Made With Lumion
Cloudy Shots
Night Shots
Day Shots
Consept & 3D Modeling

Number: +98-9116421626
Telegram: @architectheidary
Instagram: @architect.heidary

Modern Facade Design-Shine Project


Modern Facade Design-Shine Project
